
Consumers need honest information on food packaging

Consumers need honest information on food packaging

Research from the Netherlands shows that 90% of consumers think something should be done about misleading information on food packaging labels. This is why the Dutch Consumers’ Association has started a campaign called ‘this is no good’ and calls on consumers to sign a petition for honest information on food packaging.

According to the association, the line between seduction and deception on packaging is wafer thin. In a study, they presented ten food products to almost 11,000 members of its internet panel and also asked them questions about the information on packaging. 93% of the panel believes that the front of a product must give a good picture of what is in it. According to 91%, ingredients prominent on the front of the packaging give the impression that there is a lot of it in the product.

Distorted picture

For many years the association has asked for better information on food labels and places examples of products that mislead consumers on their Wall of Shame. As a result, some manufacturers have adjusted their products’ packaging, but too often supermarket shelves contain packaging that give a distorted picture of the contents of the product.

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